Bonsai Societies of Florida: Registration and Signup


Bonsai Societies of Florida:
Registration and Signup

2025 BSF Convention Registration is coming soon.

Once online registrations close, attendees will be able to purchase either daily or full registrations at the convention welcome desk. Note that full registrations purchased at the convention will not come with the banquet meal.

Welcome! Please read the below before you start filling in the registration. The cost this year is $140
If you are a BSF member, it is $125
If you are staying at the Florida Hotel and Conference center, it is $100

BSF Membership

If you are not a BSF Member, or unsure if your club is affiliated, visit our Local Clubs page:

If you are not a member, you’ll be added as an at large member during this registration process.

Convention Hotel Reservations

If you wish to stay at the Florida Hotel, use the link below to book a reservation and keep your number handy.

It’s only through this Link, or a phone call to the hotel, that you get the contracted $123 a night room rate. Do not use Expedia, Hotwire, Hopper etc. they’ll promise you a close rate but the hotel has a block of rooms for BSF Members only and this is the lowest rate.

BSF Volunteers

If you want to volunteer, signup at the BSF volunteer page:

Volunteers have the ability to pay BSF directly to book rooms as well.

Registration includes admission to all demonstrations, SILENT observation of workshops, and the ability to purchase a spot to participate in said workshops. (Space limited). Banquet etc.