BSF Members Perk


BSF Members Perk

Why the BSF Members Perk?

As 2nd VP of BSF, Adam Lavigne writes…. “Going to a convention can be pricey; trust me, I know. At my first few conventions, I only went to the vendor room.”

We’ve received several comments like this from other BSF members. We at BSF recognize that some members can’t spend the time or money for the convention. So BSF has added this FREE Perk to BSF members in good standing to improve the value of BSF dues and provide an opportunity to participate in selected demos/workshops (where most of the teaching/learning takes place).

What is the BSF Members Perk?

Basically, any BSF Member, in good standing, can attend either: a demonstration, silently observe a workshop, or (this year) participate in the screening of the much-awaited Florida Bonsai Documentary, just as a benefit of your membership. (Note as always, anyone can, free of charge, come to the convention and see the exhibit, peruse the vendor room, attend club night, and participate in the raffles and the ending auction.)

How can a BSF member take advantage of this?

Select a SINGLE EVENT from Members Perk signup page, for example: workshops, demonstrations, or another single event as listed. (Note the Perk does not include Critiques, or Banquet.)

The Perk signup page will request Name, your club affiliation or at-large status, and which SINGLE event you’d like to attend.  The website will send confirmation email which will print and bring to the convention. Present the printout  at the door, find a seat and enjoy.